Construction, Supervision, and Expert services Our technical expert services provide condition assessments and inspections in the metropolitan area. Etusivu For Condominium Board Technical Expert Services Technical Expert Services From our unit, you can find an expert for your project, ranging from project management for pipeline renovations to smaller survey projects. Our technical expert services carry out approximately 1500 assignments annually. Technical expert services – contact information and requests for proposals Marko SarinHead of Unit+358 9 5110 Outi PeuraniemiTeam Leader+358 29 350 You can also submit a request for proposal using the form found at the bottom of the page, after which we will contact you as soon as possible. Our Services Construction and Supervision The task of a project manager and supervisor is to act as the client’s representative and ensure that the project is carried out in accordance with the goals and quality defined in collaboration with the client. Through us, you can access construction and supervision services, ranging from small repair projects to large renovation projects. Indoor Air Quality Measurements A good and high-quality indoor environment is a prerequisite for comfortable and healthy living, whether at home, in school, or at the workplace. We assist you in identifying indoor air quality issues and conducting necessary measurements. Planning Services Our planning services provide HVAC planning and consulting tailored to the needs of your property. We also undertake the planning work for smaller renovation projects according to the requirements of the housing company. Condition Assessments, Surveys, and Inspections Well-timed property inspections, condition assessments, and surveys ensure the maintenance of your property’s structures and systems. Expertise ensures that repairs are conducted judiciously, avoiding unnecessary expenses and overhauls. Through us, you get solutions for property inspections, condition assessments, and tenders. As part of good property management, the condition of structural components and building systems should be regularly inspected. The indicative technical service lives and maintenance periods for various building elements are defined in the RT 18-10922 card. Energy Services and Electric Vehicles Even small measures can reduce the energy consumption of properties. You can discuss the optimization of your current equipment’s energy usage or explore renewable energy options with our experts. Referenssit As Oy Viherkalliontie 7 Linjasaneeraus, perinteinen putkiremontti 2019 ja maalämpöhanke Asuntomäärä: 129ValmistumisvuosI: 1970Rooli: projektinjohto ja rakennuttaminen As Oy Karakangas & Karakaari Linjasaneeraus, perinteinen putkiremontti 2019-20 Asuntomäärä: 53 & 53Valmistumisvuosi: 1966 & 1966Rooli: projektinjohto As Oy Kuttulammenpuisto Märkätilojen peruskorjaus 2020-21, vesikattohanke 2019 Asuntomäärä: 34Valmistumisvuosi: 1982Rooli: märkätilahankkeen suunnittelu, rakennuttaminen ja valvonta, vesikattohankkeen rakennuttaminen ja valvonta Tarjouspyyntö – Tekniset asiantuntijapalvelut Nimi*Yritys*Puhelinnumero*Anna puhelinnumero kansainvälisessä muodossa alkaen +358Sähköposti* Olen kiinnostunut*Tekniset asiantuntijapalvelutYhteydenottotapa*PuhelinSähköpostiViesti*CAPTCHA