Key orders and rekeying

On this page, you can order keys and also a rekeying for your keys if needed. Before filling out the form, we recommend identifying the model of your own keys from the button below.

Providing information about the key model will expedite the processing of your request. Ordering additional keys incurs a fee, and the price depends on the key model. For more information on prices, please contact our customer service.

With this form, you can order keys if you are a homeowner or tenant in Espoon Asunnot, Sato, Lumo, or M2-kodit. If you are a tenant in a privately owned apartment, please get in touch with your landlord and ask them to order a new key for you. Alternatively, you need to obtain a power of attorney from the landlord for the order.

Please remember that an additional key never replaces a lost key. If a key is lost, rekeying or reprogramming is always required.

2023 © Tapiolan Lämpö Oy

Y-tunnus: 0194085-4
