Notification of move Etusivu For Residents Notification of move You can notify Tapiolan Lämmö of your move on this page if your home is at the address we maintenance. Please note that this is a move notification to the maintenance company and does not replace the official move notification. You can make an official notification of change of address to the Office for Digital and Population Information here: Offical notification of change of address. Both notifications must be made before the your move. Please note that a notice of move is not a notice of termination of a tenancy agreement. Please note that reservations and cancellations of car parking spaces and sauna shifts can be made on the sauna slots and parking spaces pages. Notification of move Way of living* Owner Tenant Other Maintenance company*Tapiolan LämpöOlarin HuoltoKarakallion HuoltoJS-AuditKiinteistöhuolto MAKWho is your landlord?*Espoon AsunnotSATOM2-KoditLUMOPrivate LessorOtherNotification type* Moving in notification Moving out notification Both Address to move to (when moving in)*Date of move (when moving in)* DD dot MM dot YYYY Address to move from (when moving out)*Date of move (when moving out)* DD dot MM dot YYYY Contact informationPlease give the contact details of the person who is movingFirst Name*Surname*Birth date* DD slash MM slash YYYY Phone number*Please give the phone number in the international format starting with +358.Email* Information of all adult residents who are moving with you (surname, first names, date of birth, phone number and email)The name or names you want to read on your door, in the order you want. If you leave the field blank, the name will not be added to the door.Please note that reservations and cancellations of parking spaces and sauna shifts are made via the bot. You can find the bot in the right development of this page.This notice does not replace the statutory move noticeThis form collects your personal information so that we can process your move notification and contact you if necessary* I accept CAPTCHA